Sunday, 8 February 2015

Design Basics: My Notes on the Tutorial Videos

Adobe Indesign is a graphic design software that allows the creation of artistic designs with the right tools; creating the right effects. It seems quite intricate to work but is easy to work once the basics have been mastered. These are my notes from the InDesign Tutorial Videos I watched.


Toolbar = Left.
Palette Options = Right.
Past Documents, Create New Documents = Middle when opening the software.

Intent = Print & Web = (sizes vary depending on intent).

Facing Pages = Document = Custom - Reg. Colours.

Gutter = How big the gap is.

Bleed = Over-printing - To the edge of the page and then cut down.
Standard size= 3 mm

Slug = messages and notes.

Chain = Locks.

Red Area = Bleed.

Black Area = Edge of the Page.

Blue Area = Slug.

Cmd 0 = Back to full view of the page.

Type Tool.
Pen Tool.

Click little Triangle for more options.

Fill = Inside Colour.
Stroke = Outside Colour.

Fill and Stroke has a default setting.

Different options along the top toolbar:
Essentials - Reset Essentials 

Rulers on left hand side and top.
Cmd R = Make Disappear and Reappear.
Guidelines can be created = drag and pull down.

View = grids and guides = snap material to guides.

InDesign Help = use the actual document to show you how to do things.


Rectangle Frame Tool + Press F.

Select + Stroke & Fill.

Stroke = Change joins, Change thickness.

Select, file, place = Select image

Select Image (beige  line around it) + can move content around.

Ctrl click box = Fitting = fill frame proportionally.

Select Image = Hold shift to select others, and can load mouse with loads of images before pasting them all.

First box on page will be behind other in composition.

Layers - Option - rearrange order.

Fill with place holder text.

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