Thursday, 19 February 2015

Experimenting with InDesign: Maria Grønlund


These are some initial documents using InDesign as I adjust to the software. I decided to present 5 graphic designers who I found interesting and present in a way which echoed their work. The task has helped me understand the basic tools of InDesign which will be the foundation for future, more advance projects.

I chose to include the work of graphic designer Maria Gronlund as I enjoy the floating, dreamy effect of her artwork. The tonal qualities of the piece award an atmosphere reflecting ink swirling in water. I also love the consistency of style and all work remains noticeably in the typical style of Gronlund's work.

I decided to create a document which had a simple background to focus attention to the beauty of Grønlund's swirls. I also added a simple outline around each photo to define, add more interest and to parallel with the grey box background in each piece. By creating this document it helped me improve my skill in creating outlines and adjusting thickness and colour.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Experimenting with InDesign: Nicole Martinez

These are some initial documents using InDesign as I adjust to the software. I decided to present 5 graphic designers who I found interesting and present in a way which echoed their work. The task has helped me understand the basic tools of InDesign which will be the foundation for future, more advanced projects.


I chose to include the work of graphic designer Nicole Martinez as I enjoy the minimalistic and fun quality of her artwork. The lack of tone and three-dimensional quality awards the work with a cartoon like aspect; highlighting the qualities of the piece. I also love the consistency of style, although the subject of the work changes dramatically, all work remains noticeably in the typical style of Martinez's work.

I decided to focus of the minimalism of Martinez's compositions whilst still showing appreciation to  her work. Due to my intentions I chose to organise the pieces in a simplistic regimented order, whilst maintaining a white background as to not detract from Martinez's bold colours; this is the same reason I chose not to give the pictures any kind of outline. By creating this document, it has helped me to understand how to organise pictures and photos all to an identical size.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Experimenting with InDesign: Violaine & Jeremy

These are some initial documents using InDesign as I adjust to the software. I decided to present 5 graphic designers who I found interesting and present in a way which echoed their work. The task has helped me understand the basic tools of InDesign which will be the foundation for future, more advanced projects.



I chose to include the work of French graphic designers Violaine and Jeremy as I love to the attention to detail created through lines adding tone and depth. This overall makes the piece seem more realistic and three dimensional. I also love the use of nature (although they do include other subjects in their work.

I decided to focus on the animal illustrations of Volaine and Jeremy as these are my particular favourites; I love how realistic the texture of the fur and feathers are. I also feel the subjects have been illustrated with detail and have fulfilled their full potential as interesting pieces. I included the pieces 'le gorilla', 'le coq' and 'l'ours'. I displayed this in a simple format with the Violaine & Jeremy logo which includes typography fitting to the graphic design style. By keeping a simple layout, it allowed me to create an extravagant detailed background which I felt would echo the detailed style of the work. For this I included the foliage illustrations such as 'Jungle Pattern', alternating in colour and black and white; I feel the colour of 'Jungle Pattern' encourages the focus to the black lines of the detail in the foreground. This document helped me to understand the use of sending back and bringing forward images to create the right composition and I am now thoroughly capable of doing this.

Design Basics: My Notes on the Tutorial Videos

Adobe Indesign is a graphic design software that allows the creation of artistic designs with the right tools; creating the right effects. It seems quite intricate to work but is easy to work once the basics have been mastered. These are my notes from the InDesign Tutorial Videos I watched.


Toolbar = Left.
Palette Options = Right.
Past Documents, Create New Documents = Middle when opening the software.

Intent = Print & Web = (sizes vary depending on intent).

Facing Pages = Document = Custom - Reg. Colours.

Gutter = How big the gap is.

Bleed = Over-printing - To the edge of the page and then cut down.
Standard size= 3 mm

Slug = messages and notes.

Chain = Locks.

Red Area = Bleed.

Black Area = Edge of the Page.

Blue Area = Slug.

Cmd 0 = Back to full view of the page.

Type Tool.
Pen Tool.

Click little Triangle for more options.

Fill = Inside Colour.
Stroke = Outside Colour.

Fill and Stroke has a default setting.

Different options along the top toolbar:
Essentials - Reset Essentials 

Rulers on left hand side and top.
Cmd R = Make Disappear and Reappear.
Guidelines can be created = drag and pull down.

View = grids and guides = snap material to guides.

InDesign Help = use the actual document to show you how to do things.


Rectangle Frame Tool + Press F.

Select + Stroke & Fill.

Stroke = Change joins, Change thickness.

Select, file, place = Select image

Select Image (beige  line around it) + can move content around.

Ctrl click box = Fitting = fill frame proportionally.

Select Image = Hold shift to select others, and can load mouse with loads of images before pasting them all.

First box on page will be behind other in composition.

Layers - Option - rearrange order.

Fill with place holder text.